HIS 2.0: modular & data-driven

Avelios offers a state-of-the-art HIS of the future: Treatment process-oriented digitization, a modular microservices platform & fully structured data

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Why Avelios

State-of-the-art hospital software

More efficient workflows

Digitized workflows and fast, complete documentation save significant working time.

Structured data

Automatically up to 2,000 fully structured & directly usable data points per treatment (AI, Big Data, Research).

Interconnectedness & Scalability

Our modular platform offers full interconnectivity with other solutions & maximum scalability.

Increased satisfaction

Time savings allow staff to focus on what matters & fundamentally improve patient care.

A new way

We relieve hospitals through low implementation & interface effort as well as no maintenance work. We also provide continuous free updates and do not charge any hidden costs.

Our solution

With Avelios you treat more patients - better!

The fully modular Avelios software platform digitizes and optimizes all hospital workflows in a user-friendly way. In doing so, the highly innovative software additionally generates fully structured treatment data in an automated manner and enables data-driven research, business intelligence, workflow automation and the development & integration of unique AI algorithms.

Digital Treatment

Digitization of patient treatment with highly innovative software

The core modules of the Avelios software platform digitize all outpatient & inpatient workflows and enable a fully digital documentation of patient care with innovative features such as an automatically generated doctor's letter or intelligent input fields.

Outpatient module

Complete documentation of outpatient care for all medical departments.

Ward module

Completely digital treatment documentation on the ward.

Care module

Fully digital nursing documentation on the ward.

Medication module

Safe handling & prescription of drugs.

OR module

Management & documentation of surgical interventions.

Emergency Room module

Management & Documentation in the Emergency Room.

Laboratory module

Management & documentation of all laboratory processes for any type of laboratory.

Communication module

Secure and data protection compliant communication in the hospital via PC & smartphone.

Learn more about "Digital Treatment"
Digital Infrastructure

Digital bridge to the patient & the healthcare system

Thanks to complete modularity, modern interfaces and structured data, Avelios can build the digital bridge to the patient as well as within the healthcare system as a platform and once entered data & documents can be shared extremely efficiently and directly reused.

Patient portal

Fully digital admission and treatment as well as discharge and transfer management.

Healthcare Infrastructure

Seamless connection to entire TI infrastructure (e.g. ePA, eRezept, eAU) and the healthcare system.

Integration applications & devices

Direct integration of patient applications & (wearable) devices.

Consil platform

Fully digital management of consiles.

Learn more about "Digital Infrastructure"
Data-driven Administration

Data-driven optimization & automation of administration

Based on digitized patient treatment with automatically generated structured data, the Avelios software optimizes & automates administrative processes such as billing, appointments and resource management completely data-driven.

Billing module

Complete & optimized billing based on provided services.

Scheduling and resource management

Intelligent appointment & resource management incl. live dashboards

Occupancy Management

Centralized control of bed occupancy.

Call system

Modern call and queue management.

Learn more about "Digital Administration"
AI, Big Data & Research

AI, Big Data & Research based on automatically structured data

The Avelios software automatically generates up to 2,000 unique, structured data points per patient treatment. These can be directly and profitably used for research, business intelligence, workflow automation, and the development of innovative AI algorithms.

Research module

Efficient conduct of data-based research (e.g., SNOMED CT, LOINC, HPO).

Business Intelligence module

Intelligent KPI dashboards and data-driven analytics.

Diagnostic support module

AI-based decision support systems.

Workflow engine

Optimization & automation of processes using Machine Learning.

Learn more about "AI, Big Data & Research"

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Our Technology

Avelios applies & develops cutting edge technologies deeply understanding the clinical requirements. We continuously update our system and have the ambition to be permanently on the cutting edge of technology.

State-of-the-art microservices architecture

Mainly based on Spring Boot Services, connected to PostgreSQL databases

Additionally, Rust Services as hardware-related services for extra performance in time-critical applications

Highly efficient scalability, very good maintainability and simple integration of future technologies

Rapid further development through problem-free extension and testing of individual services

Extremely efficient data exchange between services through communication via gRPC

Web-based & user-friendly application

Based on React, which has established itself through use at many other major technology companies

Does not need to be installed on clients; only requires current browser version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari

Highly customizable to meet specific needs & optimized for highly efficient clinical workflows

Intuitive to use for Windows, iOS, and Android users through the use of modern user concepts

Native iOS and Android smartphone and tablet apps for patient portal and mobile clinical applications.

State-of-the-art concepts as basis for greatest possible security

Data autonomy of patients and DSGVO regulations established as cornerstone of technology

Data flow encrypted with at least TLS 1.2 and usually TLS 1.3, using certificate pinning at the endpoints

User access controlled by JWT token authorization and authentication; stores only salted password hashes created using Argon2

Fast response to hardware failures through streaming replication (downtime reliability with RPO close to 0)

Direct switchover to backup servers in the event of a server failure guarantees high availability even in critical situations

Modular platform enables maximum interconnectedness

Modular and step-by-step rollout alongside existing HIS system flexibly & easily possible

Full compatibility with existing standards (e.g. HL7, FHIR, DICOM) as well as modern proprietary interface

Flexible connection of medical devices, (wearable) devices and (DiGA-) applications 

Complete connection to Telematics infrastructure (e.g. ePA, eRezept, eAU)

Avelios flexibly available as both, on-premise solution in hospitals and cloud solution


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Lines of code


Data points



Cooperation is key

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